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Minutes of the IMCO Special General Meeting – 18th May 2006.
Albaria Club, Mondello, Sicily.


Attendees and voting members/delegates:


Jean Francois Reggio (vice president & meeting chairman)  - vote

Vincenzo Pottini (committee) - vote

Paco Wirz (committee) - vote

Marcus Steininger ( committee and Boards & More) - vote

Diederik Bakker ( committee) - email vote

Peter Krimbacher (committee) - proxy vote to JF Reggio

Juergen May (Boards & More)

Bruce Kendall (coach)

Vincenzo Baglione (IMCO Italy) - vote

Costas Moutsatsos (coach)

Ben Cheung (coach)

Aaron Botzer (ISAF)

Ceri Williams (IWA)


1) Quorum. According to IMCO Intl. Constitution with at least 3 committee members present the meeting is quorate.


2) Proposals before the meeting:


2) Proposals - received from IMCO France and endorsed by the Class's Committee:

2.1 That the Special Assembly discuss and ratify the revised constitution - text being proposed is attached.


2.2 IMCO delegates and committee to elect new Chairman


Jean Francois Reggio, current Vice Chairman, is candidate for the post.


2.3 IMCO delegates and committee members to discuss the use of and management of the IMCO International Limited surplus funds.



IMCO funds shall be transferred into a nominated, specific, bank account under the full supervision of IMCO Chairman and/or Vice Chairman and an IMCO committee member acting as honorary treasurer ;


IMCO funds shall exclusively be dedicated to Mistral Classes (IMCO) activities, particularly Youth and Junior training, and the development of the Prodigy One Design Class.


2.4 Future meetings of the IMCO General Assembly:

postpone the MOD and MJOD (ie IMCO) annual general meeting until the Marsala Youth and Junior World Championship,when most delegates will be present.


3) Matters arising, for further discussion and future action:


(a)   Committee to investigate the future status of IMCO ie. the need, or not, to register as a governing body, sports association, company, etc.

(b)   Request next Annual General Meeting to reaffirm membership status of IWA.

(c)   Investigate and revise competition formats and rules.

(d)  Finalise 2006 and 2007 events programme.

(e)   Survey national associations, Mistral distributors, tourism organisations and holiday companies.

(f)     Further promotion of the Mistral Prodigy class.


4) Boards and More representatives at the meeting re-affirmed the companies total support  for IMCO and "one design" racing.






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